Climate Crisis and Pastoral Theology: Call for Papers

Climate Crisis and Pastoral Theology: Call for Papers

Call for Papers – Climate Crisis and Pastoral Theology

Abstract & Working Title Due November 29, 2024

Completed Articles due April 15, 2025

The realities of the climate crisis impact all areas of life and, therefore, each and every academic discipline. Indeed, this crisis invites interdisciplinary research and discourse, which pastoral and practical theologians are well positioned to contribute. We (Ryan LaMothe, Pamela McCarroll, Christine Tind Johannessen) are inviting scholars and students to consider contributing to a special issue on the climate crisis and pastoral theology. General topic areas to consider are:

  1. Implications of Climate Change for Pastoral Theology
  2. Pastoral Theological Reflections on Climate Change/Crisis and Catastrophe
  3. Eco-emotions (e.g., anxiety, remorse, depression, despair, rage, fear, hope, etc.) and Pastoral Responses
  4. Eco-trauma/ Climate Trauma and Pastoral Theology/Care
  5. Eco-grief and Pastoral Theology/Care
  6. Impacts of the Climate Change/Crisis on Pastoral Education or Liturgy or Ecclesiology
  7. Climate Change/Crisis and Ministry/Congregational Praxis
  8. Decoloniality, Pastoral Theology, and Climate Change/Crisis
  9. Political and Economic Aspects of Climate Change/Crisis and Pastoral Theology
  10. Climate Chaplaincy, an Emerging Discipline
  11. Racism, White Supremacy and Climate Change/Crisis and the Call to Justice

Contributors, of course, may have other topics they wish to explore.

For those interested in providing an article for this special issue, please submit a title and 150-word description/abstract of your article to by November 29, 2024.  Submit your completed articles to by April 15, 2025. We intend to review and return the articles within a month in preparation for the regular peer review process. Once changes have been made to the editors’ satisfaction, the article may be submitted directly to the Journal of Pastoral Theology (Journal of Pastoral Theology | Taylor & Francis Online (, making sure to alert the editors that your article is for the special issue on the climate crisis. Please be sure to use the Journal’s guidelines for writing your articles (Submit to Journal of Pastoral Theology (

If you have any questions, please contact any of us:

Christine Tind Johannessen

Ryan LaMothe

Pamela McCarroll

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